
Your own perfume lab. A set that comes in a box but lives outside of it. An opportunity to craft scents that compliment not just your distinct taste, but your unique chemistry. An olfactory poem, an ode to yourself that’s made without words but with all the soul.

There’s a fancy name for custom scent: bespoke perfume. Unlike the rest, Mix•o•logie’s bespoke perfume comes without the price of your car (times at least three) plus a month’s rent (and then some). No, seriously. Some bespoke perfume can cost tens of thousands. And while Mix•o•logie’s expert perfumers give you eight scents to start with, you’re your own perfumer in the end. Because no one––not even the experts––knows you better than you.


Follow a Mixed Emotions recipe on days when following your heart just isn't in the cards.

To use Mix•o•logie scents, simply apply a “splash” of the rollerball to your forearm, wrist, or neck and layer away. One “splash” is one complete, curvaceous, and nickel-sized “o.” Mixing inspiration can come from anywhere, but these are some of our favorite places to find it.